Why is the Grasp Switch not working?
Allow the device to acclimatize to temperature/ air pressure for 15-30 minutes. We’ve found that some changes in regional elevation or temperature can affect pressure inside the Grasp Switch.

If that does not fix the issue, equalize the internal pressure of the switch.

  1. Insert a small flat-head screwdriver between the hard-plastic body of the switch and the rubber handle. This can be inserted anywhere around the base of the rubber handle.
  2. Lightly lift the screwdriver away from the plastic base to allow slight airflow
  3. Remove the screwdriver
  4. Connect the switch to a device and squeeze it. You should now see normal functionality
Can the Grasp Switch be used to control a computer or tablet?
Yes. To do this you will need a switch interface, such as Blue2, Hook+, or Hitch 2.0.